Peer Review Request - Acceptance Confirmation


Article Title:
Application of NK cell immunotherapy in lung cancer
Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that is originally involved in bronchial, trachea, and lung. Although lung cancer treatment has improved greatly, the treatment effect is still poor due to problems such as chemotherapy and heterogeneity. Nature Killer (NK) cells is an important immune cell. The reduction of the number and dysfunction of tumor cells may cause the tumor cells to escape and develop viciously. In the development of lung cancer, NK cells imbalance mediated lung cancer immune escape, so regulating NK cell activity to treat lung cancer will be an effective strategy. On the basis of reviewing NK cell imbalances and mediating lung cancer immune escape mechanism, this article focuses on the method of regulating NK cellular immunotherapy and lung cancer, such as successful NK cell therapy at the cell level; Drugs, such as cytokine induction, immune examination point inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies of ADCC effects, targeted drugs based on signal pathways, and active ingredients extracted from food drugs/plants. Many clinical trial studies have shown that the efficacy of NK cell treatment in lung cancer is accurate. This summary explains the potential of NK cells in lung cancer immunotherapy, in order to provide new methods for the treatment of lung cancer.

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